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Richard Mille Replica

The COVID-19 virus has begun to affect Swiss watch manufacturing, starting with Swiss Patek Philippe Replica

More details will be sent. We ask that you respect the letter and the confinement measures specified by the Swiss and French authorities.

This difficult time will pass, and I am sure we will stay composed and help to stabilize the situation so that we can return to our work as best we can.(

I hope this all ends soon, and wish you luck in the days ahead. Take good care of yourself.

LVMH's Perfumes & Cosmetics Division temporarily converts its fragrance production to hand sanitiser in order to supply the French authorities as well as the largest hospital network across Europe with this liquid.

A whiskey distillery in Portland is doing the same thing,Patek Philippe Replica Watches using the freshly fermented mashing in the first distillation and converting it into hand sanitiser that they provide to their customers.

Richemont's Campus Haute Horlogerie.

Richemont, which has been closing its Meyrin manufacturing facility to outsiders to protect its employees from the coronavirus, has done so for a while now.

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